Where did the time go? It seems as though we were just standing at our front door welcoming our nine campers yesterday, and here we are one week later with “Nana Camp” coming to an end. They all woke up this morning to green eggs and ham. Camden came in the kitchen and just stared at the eggs for about twenty seconds before telling me when he read my booklet he thought I was joking about the green eggs. I told him everyone needed a little of Dr. Seuss in their morning. Some were totally unwilling to try them, but several still gave it a go. Joshua is such a trooper when I cook anything. He might not like it, but he is usually willing to try a bite. Sometimes he will hate it, but he will always be polite and tell me it was good, but just something he doesn’t really want right then. He is so tender hearted and wants to please everyone.
After breakfast they were all very excited to begin the awards ceremony. I had tried so hard to keep up with things all week, but at times the games were a little crazy. I didn’t get everything listed on all of the other accounts I had written, but I tried to do my best. They were all smiling form ear to ear when Grampy called out their name and gave them all of the ribbons they had won. I think Macy was the most proud of her seven. She went around showing them to everyone.
After the ribbons came the trophies. I really toyed with whether to do trophies or not, but most of them were very excited about them and asked me continuously during the week if I thought they would get one. Abbie got the Most Camp Spirit trophy. She was in there every single game clapping and cheering on everyone, jumping up and down all day and night, and having the time of her life. If someone seemed a little down Abbie would tell them, “Just have fun.” It was fun just being around Abbie. She might be small but her spirit was amazing. It was a boost for Grampy and me as well.
Noah was given the Most Dependable trophy. He was by my side more than any other camper. He kept me on my toes and let me know when I needed to change the refreshment center drinks or when it was time for the games to begin. He was dressed and ready, had his teeth brushed, his hair combed, and sometimes it was even before I had even told him to do it. I depended on Noah for a lot during the week. Noah is very reliable and trustworthy, and I can always count on his help.
Joshua was given the Most Considerate Camper. He was right there all week helping everyone. I saw him setting up bowling pins for someone who accidentally knocked theirs down, picking up all the horseshoes ready to hand the next contestant, showing others where they would begin their competition if they forgot, and even let many others go before him in line. He is always thoughtful of the rights and feeling of others. He never wants to hurt or inconvenience anyone. Joshua always wants to do the right thing. He gave everyone his full attention when they needed anything.
Macy won the Most Cheerful Camper. To be three years old never hindered her once from getting in there with everyone else and giving it her all. She did every single game, many times doing it three and four times with someone else. I think she ran the relay races with every single contestant. If things went a little awry for her she just laughed at herself and continued. She was the most pleasant little thing the entire week.
Caley received the Most Enthusiastic Camper. Caley just never wore down. I think her enthusiasm rubbed off on everyone else. Nothing great can ever be achieved without it. Her great excitement never wavered once during the entire week. She was always eager to do any and everything I had planned. Caley was like a traffic light that always stayed on green, and never turned to red.
Carter won the Best Attitude trophy. Positive attitude is having the power that can drive a person to success, and that is Carter in a nutshell. Everyone has a choice everyday regarding the attitude they will have, and Carter always chose to take the high road. He remained positive and happy, even during times I knew it would have been so easy to have been otherwise. The attitude he displayed all week was awesome.
Camden received the Best Leadership trophy. He guided and directed just like a true leader would and should. Even though Camden is the oldest, that had no bearing on receiving this award. Great leaders set their sights on the things that merit attention and Camden was no exception. The other campers prospered from his ability to motivate them to do the best they could do. It comes easy for him. He did a great job and helped Grampy and me tremendously.
I would need an entire notebook to actually write all the wonderful attributes about all of our precious grandchildren. They all did a wonderful job all week of being the model campers the entire week.
Packing and loading up to begin the final leg of our special week was like nothing I can even begin to relay to anyone. If someone had walked into our home during this time they would have thought the entire week was an absolute wreck. Things were scattered everywhere. I wondered where on earth everything had been hidden during the week, but things had a place, and now all those things were all in the den and heaped up about four feet high covering every inch of space. Macy said, “Nana, whose stuff is all of this?” I told her I didn’t have a clue. I looked over at Joshua, who was sitting in the floor, and he was just smiling that brilliant smile and shaking his head. Grampy loaded the car and truck and I was seriously concerned he wasn’t going to find a space for everything. The kids had now accumulated much more than they had come with. There were arts and crafts, science materials, basketballs, baseballs, t-shirts, balloons, and tons of other items to take back with them. I smile just thinking about their moms and dads dealing with all of it when they get home. They have had a restful week and I am sure they need something to do now. Hee Hee
We were very late getting off and went by the nursing home where Grampy works on our way out. He was excited for everyone to see his grandkids and Darlene and Tony handed out ice cream to all of them. It was on to Athens to meet moms and deliver kids. On the way Caley said, “I am so very sad because Nana Camp just wasn’t long enough.” Bailey said, “It was for one week, and that is seven days. Maybe next year it can be for two weeks.” I thought to myself how wonderful it would be to have Nana Camp for two weeks in the kids view, but it isn’t happening with this Nana. This Nana is getting old and Nana Camp for two weeks would be a tad too much to handle. That is the understatement of the year.
As I sit here now at home, with no grandchildren to be found, I smile to myself that, “Yes, I made it.” I would have to tell anyone that there were times I wondered if I would. The kids gave me renewed strength everyday. All I had to do was to look at the excitement on their face, and I was ready for our fun-filled day. The only time I was totally pooped out was after two nights of getting about two to three hours of sleep each night, but some way I found the vigor to endure. I didn’t have time to think about how tired I was. There were too many things to do, too many games to play, too many meals to prepare, and too many bath waters to run. In the end I made it and I am ever so thankful I did.
This week gave Grampy and me so many opportunities to talk to the kids about the really important things in life. We know the devotionals were meaningful to them. We tried and explained that nothing, not one solitary thing in their life is more important than living their life for God. We are thankful they are also taught this in their homes and at church. We also had talks with them about competition. Although it can be a good thing, it can also carry negative impacts. It can build character and produce excellence at times, but on the other hand it can create an environment that fosters kids to want to always be number one and to always win. We worked hard to try and help the kids keep the competitions in perspective. It was all for fun. Everyone was a winner.
As I look around the house right now I laugh when I inspect all the toothpaste spit everywhere around the bathroom sinks. I had try to make a mental note early on that I needed to make a quick trip to Dollar General to pick up a stepping stool. The little ones are not quite tall enough to reach the sink like they need too. My mental note was lost in the days activities, but I will definitely put it on my to do list for next year. The house seems empty without all of them here.
There are definitely things I will change for next year. There were some games that worked out better than others, there were some meals that need to be rethought, and there are organizational things that need to be rearranged, but overall “Nana Camp 2012” was much improved from the year before. I know the kids had a great time. I know that both Grampy and I had a great time as well. We couldn’t have done it all without all the help from my mom, Carolyn, Amy, Mike, Morgan, Luke, Lawrence, Lisa, Chris, Darlene, Tony, Cortney, Trey, Bebe, Bob, Judy, Mack, Jane, and far from last Grampy. They all helped us is so many different ways. They are all friends and family I will forever be grateful for. They helped make this special week everything, and more, I had hoped for.
Although Grampy worked all week, he was here when I needed him to be. We leave for Destin tomorrow and he had a lot going on at work this week that needed to be done before we leave. There are 22 of us going and it is a fun week we are looking forward to. Grampy and I are not beach people. We go to be with the family, but the mountains are really what call our names. Grampy is more than any wife could ever ask or hope for in their lifetime. I am the luckiest woman on earth to have him for a husband. He is always calm, (I can be totally the opposite.) and never gets flustered. He has no temper. That is amazing to me. Living with me is bound to push him to his limits every single day, but he just finds a way to persevere. He listens, he never overreacts, and he is everything any woman could hope for.
There are so many thoughts going through my head right now, so many plans I want to make for “Nana Camp 2013,” so many new ideas to pursue, and so many things to change. But for right now, that can and will have to wait. Nana is just happy that this year has gone well, the kids were kept safe, and everyone seemed to truly enjoy being together. The Lord has blessed me richly. I am signing off until next year. Much love, Nana